Monday, April 16, 2012

Marshmallow Peeps

My mother has given me Peeps (generally Green :) ) for Easter for as long as I can remember. The problem is I am one of the seemingly few people that do not like Marshmallow Peeps (seeing as every time I say "I don't like Peeps" I get a chorus of "Really?!? I LOVE them!" or "How could someone NOT like Peeps??"). I think it may have something to do with a bad experience with a jar of Jet-Puffed Marshmallows once upon a time or maybe too many games of "Fluffy Bunny", but if you try to stick a plain marshmallow (or something of that effect) in my face I will (TRY my hardest to not offend you as I) reject the offer. If rejection is not possible I just bare down and eat it.

Now, I do not completely reject the contribution Peeps have in allowing for an adventurous and sugar-filled life. I just have learned to enjoy them in a different way. My idea of a good time with Marshmallow Peeps is what my family so lovingly calls "Peep Wars."

1: Acquire Peeps (if possible, get two or more different colors) and toothpicks.
2: Put two Peeps of different colors on a paper towel (or plate or napkin or whatever other cover you prefer) in the microwave facing each other spaced 1-2 inches apart.
3: Stick a toothpick in the front of each Peep (to the effect that they look like they're dueling).
4: Let the battle begin!
5:Turn the Microwave on for 60-90 seconds and watch the Peeps fight to the death!

If you've never seen a marshmallow in a microwave, I highly encourage you to allow a Peep War to be your first experience.

On another Peep related note, recently (last night, in fact) I discovered the most glorious way to consume those little marshmallow creatures.



And that, my friends, is how I learned to love eating Peeps.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wise Words

Once upon a time I have a wonderful father who has this gift of seeing my full potential. Subsequently, he is saddened when I do not reach it. The other day he and I were texting and I think I helped him discover his absolute new favorite phrase.

Work hard. Have Fun.
In that order.
Love, Dad

Dad, I will!! 

...Right after I post on my blog... :P 

<3/ Martie 

Monday, September 5, 2011


“…My bishop is my best friend. My bishop is my best friend. My bishop is my best friend…”

I miss my former best friend...

Move in day; Sunday Sundaes; hellos on campus and, especially, at dances.

That’s ok, as a very wise friend of mine once said “Life’s experiences only add to themselves. Don’t worry, new experiences add to the old.”

Here’s raising a glass of watered down orange juice to the chance to add to life.


<3/ Martie

DISCLOSURE: Not to offend or to make sad, just to put it out there.

Dear Married people,

Sometimes I miss the single you.

Still Single

I was about 7 when my oldest brother got married and the family marriages haven’t stopped since.
 I thought I had a handle on the whole “sibling getting married” thing.

 That was until one of my closest siblings found the love of his life.

(Side note: I LOVE her so very much. She is one of the best people I’ve ever met and I definitely approve of their relationship and marriage.)

I think the element I had completely looked over was the replacement factor. 

Before, we were absolute best friends. I would do anything to help him out and I believe he would have done the same. We hung out together every chance we could and always marveled at how similar we were. Maybe things haven’t changed as much as I seem to think.

 The main difference is that (righteously so) he’s found a new focus in his life, someone to care about full-heartedly, to devote his attentions and affection to.  

I know this is exactly how it should be, and that is what I keep telling myself. That doesn’t mean my life hasn’t changed, though maybe, just maybe, the righteousness of the change will make it easier for me.

Only time will tell, but I have hope for the future :)

<3/ Martie


Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today’s a good day.

TUCKER SMITH remembered my name… :)

<3 / Martie

PS. For those of you who don’t know, Tucker Smith was the Student Body President last year at Snow College. He currently goes to USU just like I do. He’s totally charismatic and super cute. :)

Summer 2011 Recap!!

Oh, summer. It  is seen as the most glorious time of the year. Sleeping in, swimming, lazing about, hanging out, and not much else. Though I did get some of that in, it wasn’t a typical summer for me this year. Here are a few of the things that happened this summer!!

Slide Rock Canyon (Ballroom Tour):
I accidentally put myself in charge of planning the end-of-the-year tour for the Snow College Ballroom team that I was a part of last year. We went to the Mesa/Phoenix area in Arizona the first week after finals for 5 days. It turned out to be quite the adventure. Our last stop on the tour was one of the places that actually wasn’t my idea, Slide Rock Canyon in Arizona. The water was cold but the day was warm enough to make up for it. They had natural slides in the rock and, as pictured, cliff jumping! It was my first time and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

After tour I had about 3 days at home before I moved to SUNNY FISH LAKE!! Actually, that was a dirty, dirty lie. When I arrived there on May 12th, there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground and the lake was still frozen over. BRR!!! 

 But with all the free time that we had (after work, which generally ended at anywhere from 3pm-5pm) my roommate Jen introduced us to the TV show that is currently in my #1 spot.

Oh, the beauty! These two brought so VERY MUCH joy to my summer! Bad days were instantly melted away by “I’ve heard it both ways.” And “I’m Shawn, this is Shawn… No relation.” as well as the never ending search for the pineapple.

I also happened to land some of the greatest roommates I could have ever had this summer. Seriously, they were the answer to MANY of my prayers. Three of us became especially attached to each other. We called ourselves the Three Musketeers (though we didn’t have muskets, so I guess we could have just been called the Three Eers).

We are, from Left to Right, Martie (or Morty Tulip), Tawny (Or Connie), and Jen (Or Jenn). :P

Our lovely cabin got pranked by the staff (probably led by Tom, the cook). We all went home for a couple days and came back to this!! 

I had a chance to come a few weeks before I quit at Fish Lake to pick up my Car, Elpheba or The Turtle, which we call ElpheTurd for short.  When at home I got the chance  to meet the newest of my family members!

Olyvia Anne Barlow was born on August 3rd, 2011. In the picture she is being held by her older brother Zach. I came to visit home from Fish Lake that very day and met her just a few hours after she came into this beautiful world! She’s such a beautiful baby and has the softest, most kissable cheeks!! Someday I may pinch those cheeks, just to be the stereotypical aunt :P

I retrieved my car and worked my last few weeks, which included one of the best pranks I’ve ever pulled in my life! I decorated my friend Tom’s car (yes, the same Tom that TP'd my cabin earlier that summer) with car window chalk, little balloons, and pop cans! Yes, my very single friend had the car décor of a newlywed couple. It was so much fun!! (I don’t have the picture from this yet, but maybe I’ll add it when I get them developed) Oh, and Tawny and did a little decorating on each other’s cars as well. :P (once again, pictures will come in about a week).

After Fish Lake was over (which is actually not an experience that I would wish to repeat) I took the 3 hour drive home, stopping in Salina for a few hours to sleep at around midnight. At 1:30 I was awoken by a slightly tipsy man with quite the goatee waving at me through the window. I met his tipsy friend and their designated driver friend. We talked for about 45 minutes through my window that was rolled down about a half an inch, with the sober guy asking the whole time “Are these guys bothering you? … Are you sure they’re alright? I can get rid of them if you’d like.” We talked about everything from how tall I was (they were guessing according to the height of the seat on my bike which was attached to a rack on the back of my car), ranking the three friends from Hottest to Not (clean-shaven tipsy, then quiet sober guy, then goatee, to which goatee said “So I’m last??” with a very sad expression. I replied “Well, uh, not necessarily…” and he said “So I tied for second??” with a hopeful look. I agreed out of lack of gumption to tell him that he had pretty much no chance with me),   the fact that I “Cuss” instead of cuss, how successful goatee was because he had started his own cement company, clean-shaven tipsy’s new job at said company, and how sad it looked when I was asleep in the Maverick parking lot at 1 o’clock in the morning. I opened my window for the last fifteen minutes to share a couple of spicy Doritos (one plain, one dipped in ranch) with clean-shaven tipsy who I may have really liked if it weren’t for the fact that he was drunk, shirtless, and quite tattooed. The whole experience was actually pretty funny (though my mom didn’t really think so). I made it home by about 7 am (I stopped in Nephi to sleep some more because I was still qute tired).

I spent a week at home and had plenty of adventures, a lot with my new niece and two of my favorite towheaded nephews. Now I am living in Logan going to Utah State University (not to be confused with University of Utah >|  … :P ). So, summer is over, school is here and I’m quite enjoying it so far.

Oh, and guess who lives in Logan?? :D

(By the way, I loved to “mess up” the musketeer pictures by making funny faces when everybody else was smiling… hehe… So, this is me doing my thing while Tawny was trying to be the prankster, so I guess this picture could be called Double Pranked, which just ends up being the Goofy shot.) 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sense Of Self

I am at a blessed time in my life. I know who I am, what I like and what I don’t. I am confident in my style and comfortable in my own skin. I am becoming the daughter of God that I have wanted, the woman I looked up to when I was a little girl. And with all that confidence and comfort and knowledge I am grateful to note that


My dilemma comes when I try to figure out who I was. This dilemma presented itself in a recent visit with an old friend. We have been friends since 7th grade and have had so many adventures. I LOVED her and her family and they loved me. It was quite a grand ol’ time! In our recent visit it came to mind that, because we were meeting at her house, her family and I would become reacquainted. I wondered who they expected to meet, and if I may still be that person that they loved years ago. Was I always the smart-aleky, sarcastic, yet loving person I am now? Unfortunately, I really don’t know. Maybe I just haven’t read my journals (the few I have) from the past enough to know my former self, maybe I haven’t actually changed as much as I think I have.

I remember hearing other’s opinions of me when I was younger, in stories I heard then and recollections of the past we tell now. Sometimes I honestly don’t remember being the person we talk about. I apparently used to be quite the spoiled brat (Side note: I KNOW I’m spoiled. It comes with being the youngest girl, but the part I don’t remember ever being was the brat part. I know I’ve had my days, but I don’t remember that being a permanent part of my character). Apparently I was really bratty when I was younger, especially when playing sports. When I think about that I feel kinda like Harry Potter when he realized that his dad really was a cocky jerk once upon a time. But, if that really was the case, I hope I have redeemed myself and become a better person.

On the whole, I wish I could meet my younger self with the knowledge and experiences I have now.  I think we could be great friends.