Friday, December 17, 2010

For Every End There is a New Beginning.

As far as I know, only 3 people ever even glance at this little neglected blog of mine, but I thought I'd just post in honor of the end of the semester, and the end of required blogs :P

Thanksgiving holiday is over, but I think it's my turn to give thanks for the fabulous things in my life.

First off, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be in college. The thought that so many of my ancestors never got the chance to experience college makes me feel so blessed to even be in Ephraim attending Snow College.
Next I'm grateful for my professors. I was completely astounded by the fact that, after one week of college, I could honestly say that I loved all of my classes. I loved the deep thinking that wasn't present as often in high school. It was such a breath of fresh air. I continued to like every one of my classes, at least. In addition to that I had top notch professors. (Some were a little eccentric, but that just spices life up :D ).

One thing that is especially grateful for is wonderful roommates. I have the hugest blessing of living with and next to some of my absolute favorite people in this world. They have all gone home for the holidays and I have a few hours all to myself. I'm quite used to walking across the hall when I feel lonely or put out. They lift my heart. When I'm around we have all sorts of crazy adventures. It is completely incredible.

The final item on my list today is my family. Holy Frijoles, they are so wonderful. Somehow, I happened to get a good one, and it's been such a great foundation for my life. I'm grateful that I have a family that makes me long for home. The relationships that I have developed with both of my parents and with my siblings are remarkable. I honestly would not trade them for anything.

(This isn't even close to all of us, but it's the most recent one we have.)

Now that the craziness of my finals are over I can't wait for my holiday season to truly start. It's going to be a glorious December and a beautiful new year. Next semester won't be any easier, but I have faith that it'll be a good one.

Oh, and Professor Burningham, Thank you especially for the help on my papers and all the deep thoughts in class and in conversation. That's been a real strength for me this semester.